
This flags information at the info level.

Info that is flagged is stored in the store under plugins.plugin-annotations.flags.info. The core library does nothing with this info, it is merely stored, much like logs are.

However, in our own UI on FreeSewing.org, we use this mechanism to allow designer to flag information to the user, and even suggest changes to the pattern configuration.


undefined Store.flag.info({
  title: 'flag:expandIsOn.t',
  desc: 'flag:expandIsOn.d',
  suggest: {
    text: 'flag:disable',
    icon: 'expand',
    update: {
      settings: ['expand', null],

Since these methods are not part of FreeSewing’s core API, what you pass to this method does depend on your own implementation. The example above is from our implementation, which uses the following properties:


idStringAn ID for this flag message. If none is provided, title will be used
titleStringThe title of the message
descStringThe description of the message
suggest.textStringText to go on the button to implement the suggested configuration change
suggest.iconStringIcon name to go on the button to implement the suggested configuration change
suggest.updateObjectObject describing the changes to apply to the configuration if the user accepts the suggestion

Note that the suggest object is optional. Without it, it will merely display a message to the user. However, when a suggest key is present, a button will be created that the user can click to accept the suggested changes.


({ store, part }) => {
    msg: `aaron:cutNeckBinding`,
    notes: ['flag:saUnused', 'flag:partHiddenByExpand'],
    replace: {
      width: units(w),
      length: units(l),
    suggest: {
      text: 'flag:show',
      icon: 'expand',
      update: {
        settings: ['expand', 1],

  return part