
Published as @freesewing/rehype-jargon, this package provides a Rehype plugin for adding HTML markup for jargon terms. It allows you to use jargon in your markdown/mdx/html content and use a centrally managed file of jargon terms and their definitions.


Shell prompt
npm install @freesewing/rehype-jargon


In file jargon.mjs:

export const jargon = {
  term: '<b>term</b> has this description',
  term2: 'A <i>differenti</i> description',

In NodeJS:

import rehypeJargon from @freesewing/rehype-jargon
import { jargon } from './jargon.mjs'

   rehypePlugins: [
     [rehypeJargon, { jargon: jargon }],


Here is an example of jargon in markdown.


jargonObjectKey/Value pairs where the key is a jargon term and the value is the jargon description. The description is a string that can contain HTML tags. Required.
transformFunction(see below)Given the jargon term and description, returns a string with the final HTML to output.

Default transform function

The default transform function is:

(term, html) =>
   `<span class="jargon-term">${term}<span class="jargon-info">${html}</span></span>`

The default transform function applies these CSS classes:

  • jargon-term is applied to jargon terms
  • jargon-info is applied to jargon descriptions

You can style your jargon by adding styles to these CSS classes.


  • Markup will be added to jargon only if the terms are emphasized.

  • Keys should be in all lowercase characters in the jargon file. This is because terms are converted to lowercase before they are matched against the jargon file.

  • How terms are capitalized does not matter, for the same reason.

  • If you use HTML in your jargon descriptions, use only inline elements such as adding bold/italic formatting and inserting links.


Please see Using Jargon for information about how Jargon is used in the FreeSewing websites.